Monday, December 7, 2009

Is This Our Hotel?

When I was in high school my family and I went on vacation to Aruba for a week. While we were there we had rented a mini van so we could drive around the island and go wherever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Somehow my Grandpa decided that he was the one who would always be in charge of driving wherever we went. One night we all decided that we wanted to eat dinner at this seafood restaurant that was about 15 minutes from our hotel. We all got in the van and started to head toward the restaurant, with my Grandpa driving of course. We made it to the restaurant perfectly fine, but the ride back to our hotel was a little different. It was now dark outside and there weren't many street lights on the roads in Aruba. My Grandpa was driving pretty fast and we came to a curve in the road. He didn't realize that the road was curving so sharply, and he just kept driving straight. We drove over a curb and landed in the middle of a lawn of grass. The van came to a stop and everyone was screaming. As we were driving over the curb, I had seen from the corner of my eye, one of our hub caps fly off, so when the van stopped, I immediately jumped up and got out of the van. I ran outside and picked it up off the ground. There was a security guard standing outside the van and asked if we were all okay. Everyone was. While standing outside I realized that we had landed in the front of a hotel, but of course it wasn't ours. I got back inside the van and everyone asked what I had just done, and I told them how somehow I saw the hub cap fly off, and I wanted to go get it. We all calmed down, and my Dad decided that it would be a better idea for him to drive us all back to the hotel, so my Grandpa and him switched seats and my Dad drove very slowly back to the hotel. It was a pretty scary trip back from the restaurant, but it will definatly be a story that my family will never forget.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"The Men Who Stare at Goats" - Film Review

Exective producer and actor, George Clooney, plays Lyn Cassady, a main character in the film, who claims to have psychic powers and was once part of a select Army team called the Jedi. The Jedi use their powers against enemies in war.
Ewan McGregor, who plays Bob Wilton, a reporter who wants to report on the war in Iraq, runs into Lyn Cassady and they begin their exciting journey together. They go through many comical and exciting experiences while on their adventure to Iraq.
The film was definately worth seeing and if you enjoy good humor and George Clooney, then I definately recommend that you add seeing this film to your to-do list.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Stephen King "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft"

While reading Stephen King's "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft," I learned and realized a lot of interesting things. He thinks and writings in such an interesting and different way than most people would. His ideas are all so new and unique from other people's ideas. I was shocked to read about how many hours and days Stephen King actually spends writing. He also makes sure that he writes thousands of words each day. I don't think I could personally do that, especially everyday. I think I would honestly become bored and I probably wouldn't be able to think about new and interesting stories to write about. To be a successful writer, I feel that you definately need to have a very creative mind and have to have been a person who has experienced quite a bit. I feel that if I would have to write day in and day out, I would go crazy, sitting in the same room, in the same chair, trying to figure out what to write about. Some people are definately born to write and do this all their lives, but I don't think I'm that person. I definately enjoy writing, but it depends on what I'm writing about and who I'm writing for.

Monday, October 5, 2009

new indoor ski/snowboard facility

I have been thinking about building a new indoor ski and snowboard facility in southern New Hampshire where people can ski/snowboard anytime of the year that they want and in any weather. The chair lifts and lights will be run by solar panels that will be located on top of the facility. There are still many details that I still need to think of for this project, but it will definately be a great new attraction for New Hampshire. We also will be getting a lot of people coming from around the country to ski here. This will be an awesome attraction that hopefully many people will enjoy and I'm excited to get started on coming up with new ideas for this facility.

Monday, September 28, 2009


“The Superhero”

No one seemed to need him anymore. He was lonely and always walked around looking down towards the ground. Everyone used to love him and cheer for him, but lately that just wasn’t the case. He knew that saving people was his purpose in life, and now he just didn’t feel like he had one. He wanted to find a way for the people of the town to look up to him again and actually want him around. It would be difficult, but he was a superhero and if he could fly and save people from harm, then he could definitely figure this out. It was a perfect sunny day and not one cloud could be seen in the sky. The superhero decided to take a long walk and think through everything that he was dealing with. The sun was beating down on him and his feet were beginning to burn from the sand that was underneath them. Finally, after walking for a few hours, he came to a little, white house that seemed to be secluded from the rest of civilization. He decided to take a chance and see if anyone was home. He walked up to the house and knocked on the door, hoping that someone would answer. An older lady came to the door after a few minutes. She invited him into her house and he took her invitation and went in. They sat for hours and talked about many different things and he explained to the lady everything that he was going through and dealing with while he had been back in town. She gave him advice and told him to follow his heart even though it might end up being a hard, long journey, and that if it was something he believed in, he should try to become that superhero that he had once been. He thanked her for the advice and her company and was back on his journey, this time heading back to town, hoping for the best. He arrived in town and to his surprise there were balloons and people cheering everywhere. People had actually noticed that he had left the town and realized all the great things that the superhero had done for them in the past. Now, the superhero was finally getting what he deserved, a celebration of his success and accomplishments. He was finally back to a state of happiness and was no longer in search for who he was because he was himself all along, just who he was meant to be- the superhero.

Monday, September 7, 2009

It took me a while to come up with an issue that I feel very passionate about. I began thinking about myself and what I enjoy doing and the lifestyle that I have. Being healthy by eating right and working out is extremely important to me. I try to get to the gym as much as I can. I feel that the number of obese and overweight people keeps rising in our country and it is a huge issue that people need to start paying more attention to. It is harder for some people to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right and work out at a gym, for example because it can become pretty expensive after a while. People's schedules are also very different from one another and it may be harder for some people to find that extra time in their day that they can use to go to a gym and work out. Also, you need to have that drive to be able to push yourself to be able to reach your goals. I feel that if people would take at least 30 minutes a day and do something active they would become healthier and save themselves from some serious health issues down the road. There are so many different workouts that you can join, such as the gym, like Planet Fitness or Gold's Gym, or a yoga or pilates class, for example. I have a membership at Planet Fitness and it's great that you can basically go there anytime you want and work out as long as you would like. This summer I tried Bikram Yoga, which is yoga in a room that is about 105 degrees for an hr. and a half. It was very relaxing and helps get all of the toxins out of your body. It's a great stress reliever. It was a really great experience.
I feel so passionate about the obesity issue that our country has and maintaining a healthy lifestyle because of somethings that I have experienced myself. I had attended the University of Southern Maine for my first year of school before I had transfered here to UNHM. While I was in Maine I had gained quite a bit of weight, but at first didn't really take it seriously or notice it too much. Near the end of the school year there, I would begin feeling a little out of breath after walking up stairs and that had started to scare me a little bit. I decided that summer to start working out regularly and eating healthier foods than what I had been eating when I was away at school. I began losing weight and began feeling a lot better about myself and feeling a lot healthier overall. I feel so strongly about doing good things for your body and keeping it as healthy as you can. You only have one body and you need it to last you the rest of your life, so you might as well take care of it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First day blogging

This is the first day of blogging for me and I'm sure there are many more to come. This should be pretty interesting ;)